rabbi yoni zolty. Rena & David Jaroslowicz on Yoni’s upcoming wedding to Chloe Gertner Randy & Rebecca Modell, on the birth of their daughter Eva Esther SPONSORSHIPS. rabbi yoni zolty

 Rena & David Jaroslowicz on Yoni’s upcoming wedding to Chloe Gertner Randy & Rebecca Modell, on the birth of their daughter Eva Esther SPONSORSHIPSrabbi yoni zolty  RABBI SHLOMO DAVID

Halacha: Avodah Zarah, Shabbat . Who is defined as a diaspora jew and who is defined as an Israeli Jew. Parsha: Masei. Duration: 25 min;. Duration: 12 min. Schwartz Zolty ECHOD Senior Rabbi Parshat Shmini/Shabbat Mevarchim 24 Nisan 5783 April 14-15, 2023 Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Community ScholarAssistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President Shacharit: enables them to emerge withAssistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty will be leading a discussion on R'Haym Soloveitchik's Rupture and Reconstruction: The Transformation of ontemporary Orthodoxy (reading the article in advance is optional). Edited by. Gali and her husband Tomer to LSS this 5: 35pm Mincha; Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. 4:20pm Louis & Rhoda Lazar Memorial Shiur by Assistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty; Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. Discussing the ancill. with Yoni Zolty 9:00a - Minyan, Kinnos in Main Shul with Rabbi Eliyahu Teitz 10:00a - Class by Yoni Zolty - Tragic Trilogy - A Talmudic Tale ofYUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future. . Speaker: Rabbi Yoni Levin ; Date: Dec 16, 2018; Series: Contemporary Halacha Venue: Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY) Gemara: Shabbat, Sukkah . Nodeh Biyehuda vs. . Recollections and Appreciations of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, zt"l. Rabbi Allen & Alisa Schwartz on the upcoming wedding of their daughter Mindy to Yoni Zolty Helen & Jake Guz, and Zaide Morris Schnitzer, and Dina & Yitzchok Alper & Family, on the wedding of Zahava Guz to Yedidya Alper Tsivia Hochman & Tal Fishman, on their upcoming wedding Rachel & Zave Kubersky, and LaurenLength 56 min 6 sec Halacha - Mekorot / Responsa Literature, Minhagim, Responsa. Please enter your email address and click on the "Reset Password" button. Keep me logged in. Followed by Seudah Shlishit on The Spira Family Terrace 4:34pm Sunset: daven Mincha 5:17pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:27pm Zoom Havdalah (link in electronic Echod). . Halacha: Shabbat . Schwartz Zolty ECHOD Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi Community Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President Parshat Ki Teitzei 14 Elul 5782 September 9-10, 2022 WEEKDAY MINYAN INFORMATION Shacharit: DaniellaRabbi Yoni Zolty Maariv: 8:00pm HIGH HOLIDAYS Fast of Gedalia Thursday, September 9: Fast begins: 5:18am Selichot/Shacharit: 6:45am Mincha/Maariv: 6:50pm Fast Ends: 7:47pm FAST OF GEDALIA Tuesday, September 7 eginners Kiddush: Sponsored by Elaine H. • Coach & Counselor • Teachings on Chassidus, Mussar, and Kabbalah • Specialist in Kashrus, Eruvin, Mikvaot, & Web Design. Sho’el Umeishiv. Aharon Lichtenstein (29) Mr. Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Ari Zucker (1) A Stiff-Necked People (5) Aharon's Death (3) Ahavas Hashem (13) Birchat Hamazon (42) Clothing in the Desert (2)with Rabbi Jack Varon 8:30a Parsha with R’ Yoni Zolty 9:15a Shacharit 10:00a Youth Groups 4:00p Bikkur Cholim 4:00p Youth Dept. . Rabbi. Or log in to your YUTorah Account. Rabbi Herschel Zolty (1) Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Ari Zucker (1) Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier (4) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (37) Share/Subscribe. Schwartz Zolty ECHOD Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi Community Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President Parshat Vaetchanan/Shabbat Nachamu 16 AV 5782 August 12-13, 2022 WEEKDAY MINYAN INFORMATION. First part in a series of Teshuvot of Rav Moshe discussing how many days of yom tov an individual should keep. Schwartz Zolty ECHOD Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi Community Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President Parshat Vaera/ Shabbat Mevarchim 28 Tevet 5782 December 31,2021-January 1, 2022 SHA AT SHEDULE WEEKDAY. The team also features. Meeting ID: 827 0576 0130 Passcode: 736372Dial In:6468769923 Tuesday, April th: Israeli ook lub: :pm. Yoni Esterman. Duration: 59 min; Download; Play Later; Play Now;. Lincoln Square Synagogue. Parsha: Masei. Weekly Chabura of R' Moshe Feinstein Teshuvot. Rebbe . Meeting ID: 890 3334 1371YUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future. org. . Topic: Zoom Shiur wih R' Yoni Zolty Time: Jul 30, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada). 9:00am. Meeting ID: 838 3061 9860 Passcode: 354153. May they be zocheh to build a bayit ne'eman beYisrael! News. | December 8, 2021. Series: Daf Yomi. o-sponsored by NJOP. It offers more than 240,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by our Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author or lecturer. Two Teshuvot of Rav Henkin tz'l relating to civil disobedience and demonstrations/protests against government policies. Topic: etween Facts and Narrative: What Really Happened? 7:55pm Mincha; Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. Aharon Lichtenstein (29) Mr. Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. org DVAR TORAH The next Shabbatot available to write are: Nitzavim 9/24, Ha ’Azinu 10/8, and hol Hamoed Sukkot 10/15. Some Nafka Minot beginning to bake before shabbat ends, defining melacha of zoreya, nerot chanukkah, and geram. Parsha: Behaalotecha , Bo. Rabbi Herschel Zolty (1) Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier (4) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (37) Share/Subscribe. Some Nafka Minot beginning to bake before shabbat ends, defining melacha of zoreya, nerot chanukkah, and geram. Assistant Rabbi. Venue: YU Torah MiTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov. Via Zoom. Halacha: Shabbat . Log in using:Speaker: Rabbi Yoni Levin ; Date: Jun 4, 2023; Series: Contemporary Halacha Venue: Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY) Gemara: Bava Metzia . 6:50pm Louis & Rhoda Lazar Memorial shiur by Assistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty. Postponed: Youth Tie Dye: 10:30am. Facebook. MISHNAH STUDY Thursday, May 18th: elebrate Yom Yerushalayim: 6:00pm-9:00pm: Join the Upper West. Defining when melacha is attributed to you at its beginning or throughout its completion. Log in using: Google. Rena & David Jaroslowicz on Yoni’s upcoming wedding to Chloe Gertner Randy & Rebecca Modell, on the birth of their daughter Eva Esther SPONSORSHIPS. Rabbi Eliyahu Teitz, Rabbi Jack Varon, and R’ Yoni Zolty for filling in for Rabbi Schwartz this week Great Things Are Happening Here #GivingTuesday - Nov. Report this profile Report. Shiur on Sheilot Uteshuvot of Rav Moshe Feinstein. Zolty was born in Stavitsk, district Lomza, Poland, and at the age of seven immigrated with his. In person and via Zoom. RABBI MICHAEL DAVIES . ost: $15Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Dvar Torah by Rabbinic Intern Daniel Gottesman. Sponsors are welcome. Or log in to your YUTorah Account. Please enter your email address and click on. R' Yoni Zolty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. by Rabbi Moshe Sokolow Location: 3rd Floor Shacharit: 9:00am Shabbat Morning Services: Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. 8:30a Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Schwartz 9:15a Shacharit in Main Shul 11:00a Community Drasha: Dr. Who is defined as a diaspora jew and who is defined as an Israeli Jew. Length 34 min 5 sec Halacha - General, Minhagim, Rules of Psak. ontrasts: Led by Assistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty. Speaker: Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner Beit Midrash Zichron Dov Adam Friedmann Rabbi Jared Anstandig Idan Rakovsky Rabbi Steven Gotlib. AOL. Fourth shiur in a series at LSS titled Shabbat in the City How Halacha responds to modern technological innovations in a cosmopolitan setting. Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. Topic was riding a bike on shabbat. RABBI NEVO ZUCKERMAN* Executive Director. New York, New York. Rabbi Yoni Levin (90) Rabbi Dr. Followed by Seudah Shlishit in the allroom. Rabbi Jonathan Ziring (170) Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (65) Pesachim Perek 1 Ohr L'Arba Asar (265) Pesachim Perek 10 Arvei Pesachim (249) Pesachim Perek 2 Kol Sha'ah (215) Pesachim Perek 3 Elu Ovrin (82) Pesachim Perek 4 Makom Shenahagu (27) Pesachim Perek 5 Tamid Nishchat (29)Son of Moshe Aryeh Leib Zolty and Sarah Rachel Zolty Husband of Zehava Zolty Father of Private Brother of Esther Leah Lifshitz; R' Yaakov Betzalel Zolty, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem; Yitzchak Michel Zolty and Hadassah Kopolowitz. An Affiliate of Yeshiva University. Modern Manifestations of the Mikdash. RABBI SHLOMO DAVID. Duration: 1 hr 3 min; Download; Play Later; Play Now;YUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future. Lazerson & Rev. 8:23pm Sunset: Latest time to daven MinchaSchwartz Zolty ECHOD Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi ommunity Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding hazzan antor Executive Director President Parshat Ha’Azinu 12 Tishrei 5782 September 17-18 2021 MINYAN INFORMATION SHA AT SHEDULE Friday. Discussing the ancill. Sponsors are welcome. Rabbi Yoni Zolty's Shabbat in the City Series: Recordings and source sheets for all of Rabbi Zolty's "Shabbat in the City: How Halacha Responds to Modern. If you are interested in sponsoring, please email [email protected]. Rabbi Jonathan Ziring (18) Yoni Zolty (2) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (8) Chanuka Candles that Go Out Early (31) Chanuka Gifts and Gelt (11) Eating before Lighting (6)2 Teshuvot of Rav Moshe Feinstein. Who is defined as a diaspora jew and who is defined as an Israeli Jew. It offers more than 300,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by our Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries. . I’m Rabbi Dr. Subscribe link: Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Solomon Monderer for a refuah shleimah for. Rabbi Jonathan Ziring (18) Yoni Zolty (2) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (8) Chanuka Candles that Go Out Early (31) Chanuka Gifts and Gelt (11) Eating before Lighting (6)Speaker: Rabbi Yoni Levin ; Date: Dec 16, 2018; Series: Contemporary Halacha Venue: Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY) Gemara: Shabbat, Sukkah . Please enter your email address and click on the "Reset Password" button. . Halacha: Shabbat . . RABBI MOSHE DECHTER. Kohelet, Week 11a: A Time for Everything, Part 3. is pirsumei nisa me'akev for fulfillment of. . . sha” led by Rabbi Yoni Zolty: Meeting ID: 241022510. Schwartz Zolty ECHOD Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi Community Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President Parshat Vayera 18 Cheshvan 5783 November 12, 2022 Friday night: 4:24pm andle Lighting 4:30pm Mincha/Maariv. Skokie Yeshiva (Fasman Yeshiva High School) Skokie, Illinois. Speaker: Rabbi Alan Haber. Date: May 24, 2023. Farewell to Our Kollel Fellows : 6:30pm. Rabbi & Mashpia in Portland, Oregon. Explore. YUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future. Hashkama Kiddush:4:00pm Louis and Rhoda Lazar Memorial Shiur by Assistant Rabbi, Yoni Zolty in the Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. Date: May 28, 2009. Shiur in a series at LSS titled Shabbat in the City How Halacha responds to modern technological innovations in a cosmopolitan setting. Shabbat Youth Groups: :am (Location: nd floor classrooms) Tuesday, April th: Israeli ook lub: :pm. Rent Control and Tenant Eviction. Topic: Jewish Settlement in the Rhineland - Origins. Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary 11:30pm-2:00am Magen Avraham Teen Department Learning Program; Location: 208/210 The Rabbi Moshe Kasirer Tikun Leil Shavuot All Night Learning: 11:30pm-12:30am Graham Robinson z"l 30th Yahrtzeit Shiur by RabbiLaws of Personal Injury led by Rabbi Robinson: Location: Nathaniel Richman ohen Sanctuary. Toronto Torah: Matot-Masei 5783. I am a Mashpia from Portland, Oregon. 9:30 am - Kinot with explanations by Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbanit Mindy Schwartz Zolty and Rabbi Yoni Zolty, and Rabbinic Interns Tzvi enoff and Daniel Gottesman - Sanctuary 12:00 pm - Shiur with Tzvi enoff, Rabbinic Intern - "The Sticks & Stones of Athens, Jerusalem, & Krakow: The 300 Year Story to Save the Jews of Eastern Europe" . 8:30a Parsha Shiur w/Rabbi Schwartz 9:15a Shacharit in Main Shul 9:30a YP Minyan in Bet Medrash 10:00a Youth Groups 4:00p Bikkur Cholim (730 Columbus) THE HEART OF THE UPPER WEST SIDE. Date: Jul 11, 2023. You can give them also email them to give them a warm welcome SAY HELLO!Fifth shiur in a series at LSS titled Shabbat in the City How Halacha responds to modern technological innovations in a cosmopolitan setting. Rabbanit Mindy Schwartz Zolty& Rabbi Yoni Zolty on the birth of a boy. Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Dani Zuckerman (5) Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier (6) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (1) Share/Subscribe. Topic: Discussion of This Week’s Haftara. 5:30p Talmud with Rabbi Schwartz Parsha with Yoni Zolty 8th Hour with Rabbi Gottesman 6:15p Mincha 6:35p Seudah Shlishit in memory of Ari Fuld z’l 118 WEST 95TH ST 7:35p Maariv. Aharon Lichtenstein (29) Dovid Lichtenstein (1) Rabbi Sariel Malitzky (3) Rabbi Baruch Pesach Mendelson (1) Rabbi Ephraim Meth (1) Rabbi Dovid Miller (122) Rabbi Yaakov B. Shiur on Sheilot Uteshuvot of Rav Moshe Feinstein. Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Dani Zuckerman (5) Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier (6) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (1) Share/Subscribe. Yeshivat Sha’arei Mevaseret Zion. Rabbi Schwartz: “Stringencies and Leniencies in the Sukkah” 7:30p Maariv 7:38p Havdalah Wed, Sept. Schwartz Zolty ECHOD Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi Community Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President Parshat Ha’Azinu 13 Tishrei 5783 October 8,2022 Hashkama Kiddush: Sponsored by generous contributions to the fund. Special Chanukah Shiur on teshuva regarding lighting in a place where no one else is present; i. 9:20am Rabbi Herschel ohen Memorial Minyan Location: The Spira. Subscribe link:Shaul Robinson Mindy Yoni Zolty Sherwood Goffin z”l Yanky Lemmer Tamar Fix Morey Wildes Senior Rabbi Community Scholar Assistant Rabbi Founding Chazzan Cantor Executive Director President. Repeated on Zoom Tuesdays. Daf Yomi: 6:10am. Rabbi Herschel Zolty (1) Yoni Zolty (1) Rabbi Ari Zucker (1) Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (199) Shabbat Perek 1 Yetziot Hashabbat (6) Shabbat Perek 10 Hamatznia (9)parsha shiur about consequences for yaakov and rivka for stealing berachot. Duration: 38 min; Download; Play Later;. . Rabbi Yoni Levin (90) Rabbi Dr. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author or lecturer. . In person location: elfer eit Midrash. . YUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future. Share this: Facebook; Google+; Mail; Bookmark or Share; Subscribe to: Podcast Email Alerts RSS. In person and via Zoom. Sponsors are welcome. It offers more than 300,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by our Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries. Managed by: Itche Zalmanov: Last Updated: todayPlease enter your email address and click on the "Reset Password" button. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author or lecturer. eginners Kiddush to follow. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author or lecturer. The Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld. . ome and learn some classic and contemporary responsa Sunday mornings after Shacharit. Repeated on Zoom Tuesdays. Zolty was born in Stavitsk, district Lomza, Poland, and at the age of seven immigrated with his family to Ereẓ Israel where he studied at the Eẓ Ḥayyim and the Hebron yeshivot. Masechet Bava Metzia 20b: Completing the final lines of the 1st Perek: when does R' Yirmiya agree that the שובר in the hands of the lender is valid? Speaker: Rabbi Azarya Berzon. Please email Assistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty at [email protected]. Shiur by Assistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty. Shiur by Assistant Rabbi Yoni Zolty. org.